Create Your Own Zero Waste Shop
Take a look at our shop in action
Setting Up A Zero Waste Shop
Shortly after opening, and after the release of the video above, we were overwhelmed with emails asking for advice, tips and guidance from other people wanting to set up their own zero waste shop. This was great; it was just what we wanted; zero waste shops up and down the country (and ultimately all around the world).
We certainly had no interest or desire to franchise or open further stores ourselves, we are just a family of 3 and already have our hands pretty full as it is! So knowing we inspired so many other people to open one themselves was a great feeling. The challenge then was to figure out how we can be of help to so many people, because answering the emails was also taking up much of our time and energy. This is when the idea for this PDF was born.
We have created a document that we hope will act as an informational guide and assist you in making the decision to open up a shop of your own. It is broken down into what we think are the ‘Top 10 Steps’ to take into consideration as you plan your shop. We have chosen to make this document available for FREE, making it accessible to as many people as possible. So please, download it, pass it onto your friends, neighbours, local shop owners and lets make shopping zero waste a reality!
Download the pdf with lots of information from our experience >